How to Prepare for Divorce

How to Prepare for Divorce

Preparing for divorce can be a confusing and difficult time, and many people find themselves unprepared for, and even sometimes uninterested in, a long legal process. But with the right research and the right early steps, you can learn how to prepare for divorce and move through each step swiftly — so you can move into the next chapter of your life with peace and calm and a sense of confidence. Take a look at our best divorce preparation advice to start planning for the future, below.

Before the Divorce

Before you go through the process of divorce, there are several steps we recommend:

  • Get a Counselor: Consider speaking with a marriage counselor to learn new coping methods and strategies to guide you through this emotional time.
  • Get an Attorney: Find an attorney who specializes in divorce to advocate and advise you. Conniff & Keleher, LLC are located in both Chicago and Oak Park, serving the greater Chicagoland area with family law expertise.
  • Get Your Documents in Order: Collect important legal documents like your marriage certificate, prenuptial agreements, licenses, trust documents, wills, financial documents, and more. Set up a P.O. Box for private mail if you feel it necessary.

During the Separation

While preparing for divorce, it’s important to stay organized. Here are a few things to keep in mind while gathering your paperwork:

  • Banks: Make a list of your shared bank accounts and credit cards, along with login information and past statements if possible. Talk with your attorney about whether it is in your best interests to open a new bank account in your name alone.
  • Bills: Make a list of your monthly bills and confirm access information.
  • Home: Make a list of your mortgage information and assets. Speak with your attorney about the moving process to find out what is and isn’t reasonable and in your best interests during the divorce process.
  • Debts: Make a list of your debts. Talk with your attorney about perhaps calling your creditors to inform them of your changing circumstances. Also, ask your attorney what steps you need to take to protect your financial interests.

After the Divorce

You’ve worked hard to learn how to prepare for divorce, and now you’re ready to move on. But before you put this chapter of your life behind you, take some time to talk with an attorney to consider these final steps:

  • Re-Visit Your Will: When do you want to amend your will to reflect your new life and waive your ex-spouse’s right to inheritance?
  • Update Investments: When should you change beneficiaries to investment accounts, including retirement accounts?

Get Expert Divorce Preparation Advice From Conniff & Keleher, LLC

Preparing for divorce is complicated, and if you want the process to go quickly and smoothly, you need legal representation that you can trust. Contact us at Conniff & Keleher, LLC of Chicago and Oak Park to start a conversation with a family law attorney and get the divorce preparation advice that you need.

Contact Our Family Law Attorneys in Chicago & Oak Park Today

If you have divorce or family law needs in the Chicagoland area, our skilled attorneys will work diligently to achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Trust us to provide creative, personalized, and compassionate representation for your legal needs. For immediate case review, please call us at (708) 763-0999.